

The majority of victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence are between the ages of 12-24, putting K-12 and higher education at the center of response for gender-based discrimination. While there are many federal and state laws that govern the basic response schools must provide, many institutions struggle with unique geographic, cultural and resource issues that makes compliance difficult within their systems. Ladder Consulting can help schools begin to parse through these challenges to devise a framework that keeps an eye to the law and meets specific institutional needs. Especially for those schools who are beginning this process, a consultation can provide a framework for moving forward.


Policy Review

Ladder Consulting reviews institutional policies and procedures to ensure the most trauma-informed practices are used to encourage reporting, understand at-risk populations and provide a fair and consistent process for complaints of gender-based violence. Ladder Consulting has assisted educational institutions with creating and revising gender-based misconduct policies and reporting protocols, including inviting multiple stakeholders to review and address specific needs.


Ladder Consulting provides training to a wide-variety of stakeholders such as Title IX Coordinators, campus and K-12 administrators, investigators, Human Resource administrators, and advocates on trauma-informed practices, how to create response protocols that encourage reporting of gender-based harassment and discrimination, and investigation. Trainings are customized to meet the needs of the organization.