About Ladder Consulting

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Lindy Aldrich, Esq.

Lindy Aldrich, Esq. is the founder of Ladder Consulting. She is a national expert in Title IX and how student survivors of sexual assault interact with reporting systems. She founded Ladder Consulting to use her experience to help K-12, higher education, and employers improve their systemic response to gender-based violence.

Lindy was the Deputy Director of the Victim Rights Law Center for 13 years. While at the VRLC – a nonprofit legal aid provider specializing in the legal needs of sexual assault victims – Lindy had the unique position of overseeing both the legal representation of all campus and K-12 clients as well as leading the VRLC’s U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women Campus Conduct Grant with hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide. Her work included policy creation, identifying at-risk populations on-campus, communicating response systems and ensuring policies and procedures were trauma-informed. 

In February 2014, Lindy was invited by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault to lend her expertise on Title IX and victim confidentiality. She is a U.S. Department of Justice Office of Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance trainer on education issues and has provided hundreds of in-person and web-based independent trainings and consultations with private, public, rural, urban, faith-based and historically black colleges and universities throughout the country. 

Lindy Aldrich LinkedIn profile